I hope you all had a joyful half-term break. As we leave the cold and dark days of February behind us, there are longer and brighter days ahead.
Our Year 11 pupils have been engaged in their second set of trial examinations which continue for a further week; we continue to wish them well. It is great to see them so focussed, with an eye on their future aspirations.
In the week ahead, I look forward to meeting Year 9 parents at the options evening. This is an exciting time for Year 9 as they start the process of choosing their GCSE options subjects.
Please enjoy reading below about some of our students' recent successes. We are always keen to celebrate and share when our students do well, so please do keep us informed of anything your child achieves outside of school. Details can be sent to info@medina.iow.sch.uk.
Have a lovely weekend.
Kam Bains