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At Medina College and the Island VI Form, the Interim Executive Board provides support and challenge to the Executive Head Teacher. A key aim of the Interim Executive Board is to create robust accountability, oversight and assurance of our pupil’s educational performance.

The responsibilities of the IEB are to :

  1. Establish strong governance of the Academy and leadership accountability for compliance, standards, safeguarding and school improvement.
  2. Provide oversight and monitoring of plans 
  3. Ensure all statutory functions are fulfilled 
  4. Ensure the development of a rapid school improvement plan 

Who We Are

Our Interim Executive Board is a team of experienced governors appointed to bring specific skills and knowledge to support the senior leadership team and school.

  • Ian Potter - Chair
  • Jenny Hastings 
  • Heather Morris
  • Nick Wright

Clerk to the Interim Executive Board: Emma Shambrook
