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Head of School’s Blog – 24 May 2024

We have now come to the end of another half term with one half term left before we complete this academic year. Year 11 are still in the throes of their exams so we wish them a good respite and luck with the final weeks of exams after half term. Please remember the leavers assembly which is on Thursday 6 June and then they may leave for study leave as long as the google form has been completed giving permission. The link can be found in the letter emailed to parents recently.

This week we saw success in the Inter School competition hosted by Vestas where teams of students had to design a new blade for a wind turbine and then present on it. We came second place overall so well done to: Bea, Ben, Zach, Mylea, Erin and Daniel.

Year 10 student, Archie, also saw success this week with his Carisbrooke College team mates in the Young Enterprise Company Programme as they sailed through the third round of the competition winning best company and a digital skills award. This is the first time a team from the Island has reached this level of the competition. They now progress to the national final on 6 June. Best of luck to them! 

Thank you to the staff and students who supported the ‘Sponge a Teacher’ event at lunchtime today. This was organised by Year 11 to raise funds for their upcoming Prom. This was great fun as you will see in the photos that will follow on our social media.

We return to school on Monday 3 June for the final half term of the year. Please remember that students will be carrying out remote learning on Friday 21 June due to the impact of the Isle of Wight Festival on our site. Further information on this will follow next half term.

Lastly, it leaves me to congratulate our Hot Chocolate Friday winners who secured their golden ticket for either having 100% attendance in the previous week or were top achievement points winners in their year group. Well done to: Millie, Zoe, Jack, Esma, Amelia, Logan, Max and Owen.

Have a lovely half term break and we will see you in June!

Mr Pearce-Jones

Head of School – Medina College