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Head of School’s Blog – 26 April 2024

We are now well and truly into the summer term and almost into May. It is a very full-on time in school with lots of events happening. We have seen notably great success in the girls Netball this week.

We had about 50% of our Year 9 students take part in ‘Take your child to work day’ yesterday and we are looking forward to hearing about all of their experiences. If you have any photos of your child at work that you would be happy to share for our next newsletter, please do email them in to us:

Next week we have Year 8 Parents’ Evening on Wednesday 1 May between 4-7pm. If you haven’t yet booked appointments, please do this through Arbor as soon as possible.

Next week is the last full week before Year 11 start to complete their formal written GCSE exams. Please continue to encourage students to attend all revision sessions that are on offer. The Year 11 Exams page on our website has lots of information and materials to support with revision. 

I would like to issue a polite reminder about asking to see members of staff. School is a very busy place and we really want to ensure that we reply and listen to any queries or questions parents may have. Unfortunately, we cannot guarantee staff will be able to see you if you turn up at the school, as they may be on duty, teaching or seeing other parents etc. So, if you would like to see a member of staff, can you please phone the school reception and they will ensure that you are put through to the appropriate person to make an appointment to come in.

Finally, as always, I would like to congratulate this week’s Hot Chocolate Friday winners who achieved their place either through 100% attendance over the previous week or were top achievement point winners for their year group for the same period. Well done to: Callum, Amelie, Avalon, Jessica, Summer, William, Ava, Joe, Isaac and James.

Have a lovely weekend.

Mr Pearce-Jones

Head of School – Medina College