Head of School's Blog - 29 November 2024

We have now reached the end of November and we scarily have just three weeks left of this half term.
I would like to say well done to Year 11 who completed their first lot of trial exams on Wednesday and will now eagerly await their Trial Results Day on Thursday 12 December. This week we have also had Year 8 complete their taste of trial exams in English, Maths and Science, so well done to them too.
As a reminder, next week we have our lockdown practice on Tuesday 3 December at 10 am and, on Wednesday 4 December, we have our taster day at our VI Form for any Year 11 that has signed up to be a part of this. This day is to enable Year 11 students to experience post-16 learning at The Island VI Form and give them a clear focus as to what they would like to do when they finish their GCSE exams in the summer.
There are some future dates for your awareness also:
- On Wednesday 11 December, we have Year 8 Parents' Evening from 4 - 7 pm. If you haven't signed up to this yet, please do so as it is an excellent opportunity to speak to your child's teachers about their progress in each subject.
- On Thursday 12 December, we have our school production of High School Musical being performed at 5.00 and 7.00 pm. Tickets are available to purchase now on Arbor.
- On Wednesday 18 December we will have our Christmas lunch. The menu can be viewed here.
Finally, I would like to say congratulations to our Hot Chocolate Friday Golden Ticket winners who gained their place for either being top achievement point earners in their year group or having a 100% attendance in the previous week. Well done to: Peter, Zuheb, Oliver, Owen, Theo, Molly, Isabelle, and Chloe-May.
Have a lovely weekend!
Mr Pearce-Jones
Head of School - Medina College