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PE Kit:

  • College sports top with school logo
  • Plain black shorts/skorts of an appropriate length or plain black tracksuit bottoms/sports leggings (these must be plain black sport leggings NOT fashion leggings).
  • Plain black long sport socks
  • Optional PE items: Fleece top (plain black with logo), or sweatshirt without a hood or zip (plain black) , rain jacket (plain black with logo)

It is expected that all students will come to school every day in a neat, clean, uniform, giving the message that our students take pride in belonging to their College. The support of parents and carers is essential to this process.

The uniform consists of:

  • Blazer : Charcoal with green trim and College badge.
  • Shirt: Plain white, long or short sleeved (with pointed collar, not rounded, with top button fastened)
  • Trousers: Tailored black trousers
  • Skirt: Plain black pleated knee-length
  • Shoes: Plain black (shoes must be all black)
  • Tie: School tie (clip-on ties for all year groups)
  • Jumper: Long-sleeved grey jumper with College badge (optional purchase, but no other jumper is acceptable)
  • Socks: Plain black or white
  • Tights: Plain black or neutral
  • Outdoor coat: Suitable outdoor coat (hoodies are not permitted on the site)

Additional general rules:

  • Hair: Hair must be in an appropriate style for school and must not reflect any extremes of fashion (style or colour)
  • Makeup: No makeup in Years 7 or 8. In Years 9, 10 and 11 discreet makeup may be worn but should not be noticeable. Nail varnish, false nails, acrylic or gel nails must not be worn to school
  • Jewellery: A watch (not a smart watch), one plain simple ring (e.g. a signet ring) and one pair of discreet stud earrings are the only items of jewellery allowed in school. No other facial or body piercings are allowed in school.
  • Protective clothing / equipment: Students will be required to use protective clothing / equipment in some lessons, e.g. Art, Science, Design and Technology and PE (shin pads, gum shields etc.)

Uniform Suppliers

All branded uniform items must be purchased from Kids & Co or Toymaster. 

You can purchase uniform online:

Alternatively, you can visit a shop: 

Kids & Co: 22 High Street, Ryde, Isle of Wight, PO33 2HW

The School Shop: 9 Union Street, Ryde, Isle of Wight, PO33 2DU

Second-Hand Uniform

Medina College is committed to ensuring that its school uniform is affordable and accessible to all pupils. To support this, we have kept branded items to a minimum. We are also offering the facility to obtain second-hand uniform from the college, subject to availability. If you are interested in any items of uniform second-hand, through the college, please complete the form below and we will contact you to assist with your requirements.